New Zealand Tag Football Incorporated deliver 4DTag After School Program fun safe learning pilot after school tag program for our tamariki and rangatahi in lower socio areas with drills and tag games for Year 7-10 children in Term 4 Monday afternoons/evenings from- 3.30pm till 7.30pm for nine weeks.
What are the 4 D’s?
The 4 Foundation principles of our programs are:
1. Diversity
Diversity will help the student think and ultimately improve their innovation, creativity, and problem-solving skills with the game tools of the sport of tag football.
- Development
Developing confidence with tag skills drills in building self confidence in decision making processes and improving physical and mental well-being.
- Determination
Building motivation through physical activity with the tools of tag football games encouraging mental positive energy and drive for the student to always be inspired and determined to succeed in their goals.
- Direction
Providing advice guidance and support with the students journey in life and working collaboratively to ensure success in whatever direction they choose.
For more information contact:
Claude Iusitini
National Development Officer
Mobile: 021 64 13 64