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Junior Oceania Cup 2025

Junior Oceania Cup 2025 
March 14-15-16 | 2025
Bruce Pulman Park Takanini

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Please contact for further queries. More details to be released closer to the event.


The Oceania Cup was created in 2017 to offer an opportunity for our junior player base to experience representing their heritage and culture at a major International tag event. The Junior Oceania Cup is a 3 day event that is held every year in late March in Auckland. It is one of the NZTFI’s sanctioned and administered events that is endorsed by the International Tag Federation.

It compromises of New Zealand based Pacific nations (also known as Heritage Nations) who compete for Oceania Cup Honours as to who will be crowned the Best of the Best in their respective Grades and also offer non-competitive development grades from under 12s down to 7s with an emphasis on participation and having fun. Players are selected from NZTFI tag programs. All participating New Zealand pacific nations are affiliates under the NZTFI and ITF respectively.

Tier Two New Zealand based heritage nations such as Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue, Tonga, America Samoa, Fiji & Tokelau plus the Aotearoa Maori are all invited to compete at this event. Invitations have also been extended to Heritage nations based in Australia as well.


  1. Under 7s Opens (Non Competition)
  2. Under 8s Opens (Non Competition)
  3. Under 9s Boys (Non Competition)
  4. Under 9s Girls (Non Competition)
  5. Under 10s Boys (Non Competition)
  6. Under 10s Girls (Non Competition)
  7. Under 12s Boys (Non Competition)
  8. Under 12s Girls (Non Competition)
  9. Under 13s Boys (Competition Grade)
  10. Under 13s Girls (Competition Grade)
  11. Under 13s Mixed (Competition Grade)
  12. Under 14s Boys (Competition Grade)
  13. Under 14s Girls (Competition Grade)
  14. Under 14s Mixed (Competition Grade)
  15. Under 15s Boys (Competition Grade)
  16. Under 15s Girls (Competition Grade)
  17. Under 15s Mixed (Competition Grade)
  18. Under 16s Boys (Competition Grade)
  19. Under 16s Girls (Competition Grade)
  20. Under 16s Mixed (Competition Grade)